Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 68 128 53.1

line true false branch
28 0 3 if (ref $user_name and ref $user_name eq 'SCALAR') { }
0 6 elsif (ref $user_name and ref $user_name eq 'HASH') { }
29 0 0 unless (ref $password and ref $password eq 'SCALAR')
38 0 3 if (exists $params->{'timeout'})
39 0 0 if ($params->{'timeout'} and $params->{'timeout'} =~ /^\d+$/msx) { }
48 0 3 if (exists $params->{'user_agent'})
49 0 0 if ($params->{'user_agent'} and $params->{'user_agent'} =~ /\S/msx)
64 2 1 if ($user_name and $password)
89 0 3 unless (eval { do { local $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { Carp::croak("Timeout when retrieving $uri"); } ; alarm $ua->timeout; $response = $ua->request($request); alarm 0; 1 } })
99 0 1 if (ref $proto) { }
115 0 1 unless (eval { do { $response = $self->_get($check_ip_uri) } })
121 0 1 if ($user_name and $password)
125 0 1 if ($network_error)
136 0 1 if (exists $params->{'protocol'})
137 0 0 if (defined $params->{'protocol'} and $params->{'protocol'}) { }
139 0 0 if ($params->{'protocol'} ne 'http' and $params->{'protocol'} ne 'https')
153 0 1 if ($protocol eq 'https')
154 0 0 unless (eval { do { require Net::HTTPS } })
164 1 0 if ($response->is_success) { }
166 1 0 if ($content =~ /Current\sIP\sAddress:\s(\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+)/msx) { }
176 0 0 if ($content =~ /Can't\sconnect\sto\s$self->{'check_ip'}/msx) { }
192 0 2 unless ($self->update_allowed)
197 0 2 unless ($user_name and $password)
200 0 2 unless ($hostnames)
203 0 2 unless ($hostnames =~ /^(?:(?:[[:alpha:]\d\-]+[.])+[[:alpha:]\d\-]+,?)+$/msx)
213 1 1 if (ref $params and ref $params eq 'HASH') { }
0 1 elsif ($params) { }
218 1 0 if (exists $params->{'protocol'}) { }
234 1 1 if (defined $ip_address)
236 0 1 if (scalar @bytes != NUMBER_OF_OCTETS_IN_IP_ADDRESS())
240 0 4 unless ($byte =~ /^\d+$/msx)
243 0 4 if ($byte >= MAXIMUM_VALUE_OF_AN_OCTET() or $byte < 0)
247 0 1 if ($bytes[0] == 0 or $bytes[0] == LOCALHOST_RANGE() or $bytes[0] == FIRST_BYTE_OF_10_PRIVATE_RANGE() or $bytes[0] == FIRST_BYTE_OF_172_16_PRIVATE_RANGE() and $bytes[1] == SECOND_BYTE_OF_172_16_PRIVATE_RANGE() or $bytes[0] == FIRST_BYTE_OF_192_168_PRIVATE_RANGE() and $bytes[1] == SECOND_BYTE_OF_192_168_PRIVATE_RANGE() or $bytes[0] >= MULTICAST_RESERVED_LOWEST_RANGE())
271 1 0 if (exists $params->{'wildcard'})
272 1 0 if (defined $params->{'wildcard'} and $params->{'wildcard'}) { }
274 0 0 if ($params->{'wildcard'} ne 'ON' and $params->{'wildcard'} ne 'OFF' and $params->{'wildcard'} ne 'NOCHG')
293 1 0 if (exists $params->{'mx'}) { }
294 1 0 if (defined $params->{'mx'} and $params->{'mx'}) { }
295 0 1 if (not $params->{'mx'} =~ /^(?:(?:[[:alpha:]\d\-]+[.])+[[:alpha:]\d\-]+,?)+$/msx)
312 0 0 if (exists $params->{'backmx'})
322 1 0 if (exists $params->{'backmx'})
323 1 0 if (defined $params->{'backmx'} and $params->{'backmx'}) { }
325 0 1 if ($params->{'backmx'} ne 'YES' and $params->{'backmx'} ne 'NO')
340 1 0 if (exists $params->{'offline'})
341 1 0 if (defined $params->{'offline'} and $params->{'offline'}) { }
343 0 1 if ($params->{'offline'} ne 'YES' and $params->{'offline'} ne 'NO')
359 1 0 if (defined $params->{'protocol'} and $params->{'protocol'}) { }
361 0 1 if ($params->{'protocol'} ne 'http' and $params->{'protocol'} ne 'https')
377 3 0 if (exists $self->{'update_allowed'} and $self->{'update_allowed'})
380 4 2 if (defined $allowed)
409 0 2 if (ref $ip_address and ref $ip_address eq 'HASH')
416 1 1 if ($params->{'protocol'})
419 1 1 if ($protocol eq 'https')
420 0 1 unless (eval { do { require Net::HTTPS } })
426 1 1 if (defined $ip_address)
429 1 1 if (exists $params->{'wildcard'})
432 1 1 if (exists $params->{'mx'})
435 1 1 if (exists $params->{'backmx'})
438 1 1 if (exists $params->{'offline'})
452 2 1 if ($line =~ / ( \S + ) # response code \s+ (\S.*) $ # ip address (possible) /msx) { }
1 0 elsif ($line =~ / ^ ( \S + ) $ # if this line of the response is a single code word /msx) { }
461 2 0 if ($code eq 'good' or $code eq 'nochg' or $code eq '200') { }
468 1 1 if ($result) { }
469 0 1 if ($result ne $additional)