Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 88 0.0

line true false branch
93 0 0 unless ($Params{'url'})
98 0 0 if (delete $Params{'expandurl'})
135 0 0 if (@_) { }
157 0 0 if ($URL =~ m[^https?://]) { }
161 0 0 unless ($Hostname)
165 0 0 $HTTPS ? :
208 0 0 if $path =~ m[^/]
234 0 0 $path eq '' ? :
258 0 0 unless defined $Content
265 0 0 if ($Self->{'user'})
282 0 0 if ($Response->{'status'} == '599' and $Response->{'content'} =~ /timed out/i)
289 0 0 if ($ENV{'DEBUGDAV'})
298 0 0 if ($Response->{'status'} == '599' and $Response->{'content'} =~ /timed out/i)
307 0 0 if ($ENV{'DEBUGDAV'})
313 0 0 if ($Method eq 'REPORT' and $Response->{'status'} == 403)
316 0 0 if (exists $Xml->{'{DAV:}valid-sync-token'})
323 0 0 unless ($Response->{'success'})
330 0 0 if (grep {$Method eq $_;} 'GET', 'DELETE' or $Response->{'status'} != 207 or not $ResponseContent)
341 0 0 if (exists $Xml->{'{DAV:}response'})
342 0 0 if (ref $Xml->{'{DAV:}response'} ne 'ARRAY')
347 0 0 if (exists $Response->{'{DAV:}propstat'})
348 0 0 unless (ref $Response->{'{DAV:}propstat'} eq 'ARRAY')
369 0 0 wantarray ? :
392 0 0 ref $_ ? :
399 0 0 unless $$Response{"{$NS_D}response"}
400 0 0 unless $$Response{"{$NS_D}propstat"}
406 0 0 ref $Prop ? :
409 0 0 if ($Key =~ /:/) { }
416 0 0 if (ref $Result eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif (defined $Result) { }
431 0 0 wantarray ? :
448 0 0 if (ref $Class)
458 0 0 unless @BasePath
463 0 0 if (my $Principal = $Self->GetProps('', ['D:current-user-principal', 'D:href']))
469 0 0 unless @BasePath
490 0 0 if (ref $Class)
501 0 0 if (my $Homeset = $Self->GetProps('', ["$Args{'homesetns'}:$HomeSet", 'D:href']))
535 0 0 if ($Self->{'password'})
539 0 0 if ($Self->{'access_token'})
563 0 0 if (ref $Path)
567 0 0 if ($Path)
569 0 0 if ($Path =~ m[^/]) { }
622 0 0 unless @_
626 0 0 unless @_