Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 67 68 98.5

line true false branch
30 58 42 unless $lock
31 17 25 unless $token
43 9 51 unless $self->can_modify($req) and not $self->_get_lock($path)
45 3 1 unless _is_permitted($req, $lock)
48 1 47 defined $$req{'timeout'} ? :
6 42 defined $$req{'depth'} ? :
1 47 defined $$req{'scope'} ? :
63 1 4 unless $lock
64 2 2 unless _is_permitted($req, $lock)
76 3 4 unless $lock
77 2 2 unless _is_permitted($req, $lock)
102 4 2 if defined $lock
105 6 10 unless length $path
108 4 12 if $lock and $lock->depth eq 'infinity'
124 282 70 unless $lock
126 0 70 if (time >= $lock->expiry)
172 62 99 unless length $res
175 25 136 if $lock and $lock->depth eq 'infinity'
189 13 24 unless $$req{'user'} eq $lock->creator
190 1 23 unless defined $$req{'token'}
191 7 16 if ('ARRAY' eq ref $$req{'token'}) { }
192 3 4 unless grep {$_ eq $lock->token;} @{$$req{'token'};}
195 5 11 unless $$req{'token'} eq $lock->token
212 8 271 unless 'HASH' eq ref $req
215 15 616 unless exists $$req{$arg}
218 24 232 if $$req{'path'} =~ m[(?:^|/)\.\.?(?:$|/)]
219 13 5 unless $$req{'path'} =~ m[^/] or $$req{'path'} =~ s[^https?://[^/]+/][/]
220 20 199 if (defined $$req{'user'} and not $$req{'user'} =~ /^[0-9a-z_.][-a-z0-9_.]*$/i)
225 2 197 if (defined $$req{'scope'} and $Net::DAV::Lock::DEFAULT_SCOPE ne $$req{'scope'})
229 2 12 if (defined $$req{'depth'} and '0' ne $$req{'depth'} and 'infinity' ne $$req{'depth'})
233 3 192 if (defined $$req{'timeout'} and $$req{'timeout'} =~ /\D/)
237 53 139 if (defined $$req{'token'})
238 1 52 unless (not ref $$req{'token'} or 'ARRAY' eq ref $$req{'token'})
244 169 22 unless $$req{'path'} eq '/'