Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 35 68 51.4

line true false branch
63 12 0 unless exists $self->{'use_registrar'}
64 12 0 unless exists $self->{'timeout'}
65 0 12 unless exists $self->{'_request'}
67 12 0 if exists $self->{'modules'}
79 0 11 if ($@)
109 0 53 unless @domains
116 0 53 unless $r->{'module'} = $self->{'tlds'}{$r->{'tld'}}
117 39 14 defined $$self{$r->{'module'}}{'dispatch'} ? :
118 12 41 defined $disp->[0] ? :
128 27 26 defined $disp->[1] ? :
129 24 29 if $r->{'avail'} == 1
130 24 29 if $r->{'avail'} == 0
131 0 53 if $r->{'avail'} == -1
132 1 52 if $r->{'avail'} == -2
133 2 51 if $r->{'avail'} == -3
134 2 51 if $r->{'avail'} == -100
136 0 53 if ($@)
172 8 0 if $i =~ /(.*)\.(.*\..*)/ and exists $self->{'tlds'}{$2}
173 47 0 if $i =~ /(.*)\.(.*)/
186 0 0 $self->{'use_registrar'} && exists $self->{$m}{'registrar'} ? :
188 0 0 defined $self->{$m}{$svc}{'port'} ? :
189 0 0 defined $self->{$m}{$svc}{'proto'} ? :
190 0 0 defined $self->{$m}{'nl'} ? :
191 0 0 unless ($self->{$m}{'sock'} and $self->{$m}{'sock'}->connected)
201 0 0 if $self->{$m}{'sock'}->atmark
203 0 0 unless (exists $self->{$m}{'close_cmd'})
219 0 26 if $i =~ /IP ADDRESS BLOCKED/
220 12 14 if $i =~ /.*STATUS:\sAVAILABLE/
221 12 2 if $i =~ /.*STATUS:\sNOT AVAILABLE/
222 0 2 if $i =~ /.*STATUS:\sNOT VALID/
234 0 65 unless defined $self->{'modules'}
237 0 0 unless exists $self->{$m} and not defined $self->{$m}{'sock'} and $self->{$m}{'sock'}->connected
238 0 0 if exists $self->{$m}{'close_cmd'}
252 12 0 if defined $self->{'modules'}