Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 18 88.8

line true false branch
80 2 1 if (defined $_[1])
85 1 2 unless (defined $args{'cidrs'})
88 0 2 if (ref \$args{'cidrs'} eq 'ARRAY')
91 0 2 unless (defined $args{'cidrs'}[0])
105 3 1 if (Net::CIDR::cidrvalidate($args{'cidrs'}[$cidrs_int]))
111 3 1 if ($cidr_good) { }
141 1 3 unless (defined $object)
145 1 2 if (ref $object ne 'Net::Connection')
151 1 5 if ($object->foreign_host ne '*' and eval { do { Net::CIDR::cidrlookup($object->foreign_host, $self->{'cidrs'}[$cidrs_int]) } } or $object->local_host ne '*' and eval { do { Net::CIDR::cidrlookup($object->local_host, $self->{'cidrs'}[$cidrs_int]) } })