Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 55 85 64.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
394 0 0 0 defined $ip_tos and $ip_tos eq 'lowdelay'
395 0 0 0 defined $ip_tos and $ip_tos eq 'throughput'
396 0 0 0 defined $ip_tos and $ip_tos eq 'reliability'
397 0 0 0 defined $ip_tos and $ip_tos eq 'mincost'
490 31 7 13 $conn->is_idle and $conn->read_handle
500 3 97 28 $max and @$conns >= $max
524 7 1 92 $self->{'pipeline'} && !$self->{'close_after_request'}
776 137 0 0 $self->{'require_SSL'} and not $SSL
829 105 1 9 $response->is_redirect and defined $response->header('Location')
890 41 0 96 defined $uri->scheme and $uri->scheme =~ /^http(s?)$/
912 1 107 9 $redirects and $response->is_redirect
921 107 1 7 _should_redirect($response) && $redirects--
1021 0 75 0 &blessed($uri) and not $uri->isa('URI')
1064 87 1 1 $headers and &reftype($headers) eq 'ARRAY'
87 0 1 $headers and &reftype($headers) eq 'HASH'
1073 87 0 1 defined $args{'user'} and defined $args{'pass'}
1081 87 0 2 defined $user and defined $pass

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
469 0 100 $args{'family'} || $self->{'family'} || 0
485 65 76 $self->{'connections'}{$key} ||= []
486 67 74 $self->{'ready_queue'}{$key} ||= []
1028 45 44 delete $args{'method'} || 'GET'
1051 3 0 $args{'content_type'} // ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
772 4 0 133 $args{'stall_timeout'} // $self->{'stall_timeout'}
821 1 136 0 $args{'proxy_host'} || $self->{'proxy_host'} || $host
1 136 0 $args{'proxy_port'} || $self->{'proxy_port'} || $port
0 1 136 $args{'proxy_host'} || $self->{'proxy_host'}
833 8 0 1 $req_method eq 'GET' || $req_method eq 'HEAD'
920 15 0 115 $f->failure or $f->is_cancelled
955 81 44 0 $args{'on_response'} or defined wantarray
1040 1 1 0 ref $args{'content'} or defined $args{'content_type'}