Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 57 80 71.2

line true false branch
108 23 208 if exists $params{$_}
144 1005 5 if ($type == 1) { }
148 3 2 if ($type == 2) { }
1 1 elsif ($type == 3) { }
1 0 elsif ($type == 5) { }
199 0 1029 unless my($version, $flags, $streamid, $opcode, $body) = parse_frame($$buffref)
201 0 1029 unless $version & 128
207 0 1029 unless $version <= $self->_version
210 2 1027 if ($flags & 1 and my $decompress = $$self{'decompress'})
215 0 1029 unless $flags == 0
220 1028 1 if (my $f = $$self{'streams'}[$streamid]) { }
0 1 elsif ($streamid == 0 and $opcode == 0) { }
1 0 elsif ($streamid == 255 and $opcode == 12) { }
223 1 1027 if ($opcode == 0) { }
228 0 1027 unless $version == $self->_version
234 873 155 if (my $next = shift @{$$self{'pending'};}) { }
1 308 elsif (my $close_f = $$self{'cassandra_close_future'} and not $self->_has_pending) { }
263 0 1 unless $self->maybe_invoke_event('on_' . lc($name), @args)
279 0 0 if $_
317 0 1029 if $$self{'cassandra_close_future'}
324 21 118873 unless defined $$streams[$_]
327 1007 21 unless (defined $id)
328 873 134 if ($#$streams == 127)
333 7 127 unless $id
349 12 1016 if (my $compress = $$self{'compress'})
351 2 10 if (length $body_compressed < length $body)
377 1 3 if ($self->_version > 1) { }
400 3 1 if ($op == 2) { }
1 0 elsif ($op == 3) { }
409 4 0 $compression ? :
422 1 0 if ($authenticator eq 'org.apache.cassandra.auth.PasswordAuthenticator') { }
424 0 2 unless defined $$self{$_}
434 0 1 unless $op == 2
460 0 1 unless $op == 6
502 0 1005 unless $op == 8
524 0 3 unless $op == 8
527 0 3 unless $type == 4
569 0 5 unless $op == 8
592 0 1 unless $op == 2
617 2 1 unless $self->_has_pending