Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 10 48 20.8

line true false branch
103 4 0 unless ($rh->{'iActive'})
109 0 0 unless (exists $rh->{'sIP'})
114 0 0 unless (defined $rh->{'sIP'})
119 0 0 if ($rh->{'sIP'} eq '')
124 0 0 if ($rh->{'sIP'} eq '')
129 0 0 unless (exists $rh->{'sEthernet'})
134 0 0 unless (defined $rh->{'sEthernet'})
139 0 0 if ($rh->{'sEthernet'} eq '')
148 1 3 wantarray ? :
191 0 6 if (not $Net::Address::Ethernet::DEBUG and @ahInfo)
197 6 0 unless (defined $rh and scalar keys %$rh)
208 0 0 if ($key =~ /\A\{.+}\z/)
218 0 0 if ($sEther eq '')
224 0 0 if (defined $rh->{$key}{'status'} and $rh->{$key}{'status'} =~ /\A(1|UP)\z/i)
241 0 0 if $^O eq 'MSWIn32'
249 0 0 unless -x $sARP
254 0 0 if $sHost eq ''
263 0 0 if ($sLine =~ /\(($Net::Address::Ethernet::RE{'net'}{'IPv4'})\)\s+AT\s+($Net::Address::Ethernet::RE{'net'}{'MAC'})\b/i)
268 0 0 if $sIPFound eq $sIP
271 0 0 if ($sLine =~ /($Net::Address::Ethernet::RE{'net'}{'IPv4'})\s+ETHER\s+($Net::Address::Ethernet::RE{'net'}{'MAC'})\b/i)
274 0 0 if $1 eq $sIP
309 4 6 unless is_address($s)
315 21 15 length $_ < 2 ? :
322 18 0 unless $Net::Address::Ethernet::DEBUG