Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 2 24 8.3

line true false branch
97 0 1 defined $arg{'Timeout'} ? :
1 0 unless my $self = $class->SUPER::new('PeerAddr', $host, 'PeerPort', $port, 'Proto', 'tcp', 'Timeout', defined $arg{'Timeout'} ? $arg{'Timeout'} : 120)
107 0 0 exists $arg{'Debug'} ? :
110 0 0 unless ($self->message =~ /^HI APP/)
117 0 0 unless ($self->ok)
123 0 0 if (exists $arg{'User'} and exists $arg{'Domain'} and exists $arg{'Password'})
128 0 0 unless ($self->ok)
201 0 0 unless ($$lines[1] =~ /^FORWARD_EMAIL="([^"]+)"$/)
293 0 0 if ($self->debug)
296 0 0 if ($$lines[0] =~ /^(OK|ER)\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)$/) { }
297 0 0 if $1 eq 'OK' and $2
298 0 0 if $1 eq 'ER' and not $2