Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 28 0.0

line true false branch
72 0 0 if (@_ or $self->_host)
76 0 0 if ($self->sandbox) { }
86 0 0 unless my $ip = inet_aton($self->host)
98 0 0 if $connection
104 0 0 unless ($socket and $ctx and $ssl)
109 0 0 unless socket $socket, 2, 1, getprotobyname 'tcp'
112 0 0 unless connect $socket, $self->_server_sockadder_in
115 0 0 unless $ctx = &Net::SSLeay::CTX_new()
131 0 0 unless &Net::SSLeay::connect($ssl)
150 0 0 unless ($connection)
156 0 0 if $socket
159 0 0 if $ssl
162 0 0 if $ctx
165 0 0 if $socket