Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 46 58 79.3

line true false branch
32 0 24 ref $proto ? :
41 4 8 if ($arg =~ /name/i) { }
4 4 elsif ($arg =~ /type/i) { }
4 0 elsif ($arg =~ /rule/i) { }
51 0 4 unless ref $value
52 2 2 if (blessed $value and $value->isa('Net::ACL::Rule')) { }
0 2 elsif (ref $value eq 'ARRAY') { }
2 0 elsif (ref $value eq 'HASH') { }
75 0 24 if defined $$this{'_name'} and defined $knownlists{$$this{'_type'} or $class}{$$this{'_name'}}
78 4 20 if defined $$this{'_name'}
93 15 15 if ($arg =~ /name/i) { }
14 1 elsif ($arg =~ /type/i) { }
113 1 2 unless ref $proto
155 74 114 if (@_)
159 14 60 unless defined $newname || defined $$this{'_name'} and not defined $newname && defined $$this{'_name'} && $newname eq $$this{'_name'}
163 0 60 if defined $newname and defined $knownlists{$$this{'_type'} or $class}{$newname}
169 33 27 if defined $$this{'_name'}
171 29 31 if defined $$this{'_name'}
183 48 79 if (@_)
186 2 46 unless defined $newtype || defined $$this{'_type'} and not defined $newtype && defined $$this{'_type'} && $newtype eq $$this{'_type'}
190 0 46 if defined $$this{'_name'} and $knownlists{$newtype or $class}{$$this{'_name'}}
194 21 25 if defined $$this{'_name'}
197 21 25 if defined $$this{'_name'}
216 0 0 if $arg == $_
224 1 28 unless scalar @{$$this{'_rules'};}
227 0 37 if $rule->action == ACL_CONTINUE()
228 19 18 if $rule->match(@data)
237 0 11 unless scalar @{$$this{'_rules'};}
242 7 23 unless $rc == ACL_CONTINUE()