Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 68 68 100.0

line true false branch
65 1 166 if @extra
66 158 8 if ref $config ne "HASH"
77 109 77 if ($uri) { }
78 3 106 if $uri =~ /^[0-9a-f:]*::|^(?:[0-9a-f]+:){6}/i
79 7 102 if not $uri =~ m[:|/] or $uri =~ /^\[.+\]$/
80 2 107 if $uri =~ m[^//]
83 5 104 unless ($uri->scheme)
86 6 98 unless ($uri->scheme =~ /^https?$|^bolt$/)
90 10 88 if (my $userinfo = $uri->userinfo(undef))
96 54 44 unless $uri->host
97 6 92 if $uri->path_query eq "/"
103 159 16 unless $uri->_port
112 2 39 if $self->{'server_info'}
127 169 163 if @options == 1 and ref $options[0] eq "HASH"
128 2 330 unless @options
130 68 262 if (@options < 2)
133 1 67 unless grep /^$key$/, keys %OPTIONS
137 1 261 if $self->{'server_info'}
144 186 92 if $OPTIONS{$key} eq "uri"
154 3 173 unless $self->{'die_on_error'}
155 1 175 if defined $self->{'http_timeout'}
158 2 174 if @options == 1 and ref $options[0] eq "HASH"
169 2 435 if @options & 1
172 1 434 if $options{'ca_file'}
173 1 434 if $options{'cypher_types'}
174 26 409 if ($options{'cypher_params'}) { }
2 407 elsif ($options{'cypher_filter'}) { }
175 1 25 if $options{'cypher_params'} ne v2
179 1 1 if $options{'cypher_filter'} ne "params"
182 3 430 if defined $options{'jolt'}
183 2 431 if defined $options{'net_module'}
187 4 369 unless grep /^$key$/, @$supported
189 3 430 if @unsupported
199 1 75 if @extra