Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 22 68.1

line true false branch
22 0 15 unless $file
23 3 12 if -d $file
24 0 12 if defined $options{'filter'} and ref $options{'filter'} ne 'CODE'
43 20 10 if $$self{'filter'}()
59 5 30 unless my $line = $self->_next_line
63 0 30 unless $entry or $$self{'error'}
75 0 35 unless defined $line or $log->eof
85 0 30 unless $line and $line =~ /^($COMMON_REGEX{'time'})\s($COMMON_REGEX{'process'})\s+\|\s(.+)/
91 30 0 if ($entry)
95 7 23 if ($$self{'expand'})
97 0 7 ref $$self{'expand'} eq 'ARRAY' ? :