Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 26 0.0

line true false branch
196 0 0 unless ($hosts)
245 0 0 if ($@ and not $@ =~ /(Timeout \d+ sec|Can't connect to)/)
270 0 0 if $code > 0
303 0 0 if $code > 0
327 0 0 if ($$host_stats{'cmd_get'} == 0)
344 0 0 if $code > 0
368 0 0 if ($opts->get('warning') and $opts->get('critical'))
369 0 0 if $opts->get('warning') > $opts->get('critical')
385 0 0 if ($opts->get('hosts') and @{$opts->get('hosts');} == 1 and $opts->get('size-warning') and $opts->get('size-critical'))
390 0 0 if $opts->get('size-warning') > $opts->get('size-critical')
406 0 0 if ($opts->get('hit-warning') and $opts->get('hit-critical'))
407 0 0 if $opts->get('hit-warning') < $opts->get('hit-critical')
433 0 0 $host =~ /:\d+$/ ? :