Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 48 0.0

line true false branch
41 0 0 unless defined $fh
49 0 0 if (-e $dir)
65 0 0 unless (rename $active, "$active~")
70 0 0 unless (defined $fh)
85 0 0 if $mtime > $TIME
92 0 0 if (exists $GROUP{$group})
102 0 0 if (not exists $GROUP{$group}) { }
123 0 0 if ($GROUP{$_}->ctime > $time)
147 0 0 unless /^$pos$/
148 0 0 if /^$neg$/
165 0 0 if ($afile and -e $afile)
167 0 0 unless (defined $fh)
175 0 0 if $seen{$group}++
176 0 0 unless (exists $GROUP{$group})
177 0 0 unless $create
181 0 0 unless (-d $dir)
182 0 0 unless (mkpath($dir, 1, 448))
202 0 0 if ($ano and $group eq $extra_group) { }
207 0 0 if (not $oano and -e $file)
214 0 0 unless ($oano)
216 0 0 unless (defined $fh)
234 0 0 if (defined $afile) { }
235 0 0 unless ($oano or link $afile, $file)
242 0 0 unless (defined $fh)