Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 56 26.7

line true false branch
76 0 5 unless ref $ann eq 'NLP::GATE::Annotation'
91 0 3 unless defined $n
92 0 3 if $n < 0 or $n >= $s
130 1 5 if (not defined $type) { }
4 1 elsif ($ann->getType eq $type) { }
135 3 3 if (not defined $features) { }
143 0 3 if ($matchtype eq 'exact' and $ann->getFeature($k) ne $$features{$k}) { }
1 2 elsif ($matchtype eq 'nocase' and lc $ann->getFeature($k) ne lc $$features{$k}) { }
0 2 elsif ($matchtype eq 'regexp' and defined $ann->getFeature($k) and not $ann->getFeature($k) =~ /$$features{$k}/) { }
159 4 2 if ($cond1 and $cond2)
212 0 0 if (not defined $type) { }
0 0 elsif ($ann->getType eq $type) { }
217 0 0 if (not defined $features) { }
225 0 0 if ($featurematchtype eq 'exact' and $ann->getFeature($k) ne $$features{$k}) { }
0 0 elsif ($featurematchtype eq 'nocase' and lc $ann->getFeature($k) ne lc $$features{$k}) { }
0 0 elsif ($featurematchtype eq 'regexp' and $ann->getFeature($k) =~ /$$features{$k}/) { }
240 0 0 if (not defined $from) { }
0 0 elsif ($rangematchtype eq 'exact' and $ann->getFrom == $from) { }
0 0 elsif ($rangematchtype eq 'cover' and $ann->getFrom <= $from) { }
0 0 elsif ($rangematchtype eq 'within' and $ann->getFrom >= $from) { }
250 0 0 if (not defined $to) { }
0 0 elsif ($rangematchtype eq 'exact' and $ann->getTo == $to) { }
0 0 elsif ($rangematchtype eq 'cover' and $ann->getTo >= $to) { }
0 0 elsif ($rangematchtype eq 'within' and $ann->getTo <= $to) { }
263 0 0 if ($rangematchtype eq 'overlap' & defined $from and defined $to) { }
0 0 elsif ($rangematchtype eq 'overlap' and not defined $from && defined $to) { }
264 0 0 if ($ann->getTo >= $from and $ann->getTo <= $to or $ann->getFrom >= $from and $ann->getFrom <= $to)
273 0 0 if ($cond1 and $cond2 and $cond3 and $cond4)