Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 162 0.0

line true false branch
131 0 0 unless $this->{'remote_ip_address'} = shift()
132 0 0 unless $this->{'remote_port_num'} = shift()
168 0 0 unless my $key = shift()
170 0 0 if (defined $value)
404 0 0 defined $level ? :
405 0 0 $parallel ? :
433 0 0 if (defined $new_log_file)
434 0 0 if (not $new_log_file) { }
435 0 0 if ($this->{'LOGFILE'})
438 0 0 if $this->{'verbose'}
442 0 0 if (open $LOGFILE, ">>$new_log_file") { }
449 0 0 if $this->{'verbose'}
451 0 0 if $this->{'verbose'} and $this->{'log_file'}
536 0 0 unless $this->{'local_port_num'} = shift()
537 0 0 unless $this->{'server_callback'} = shift()
575 0 0 unless $this->{'remote_ip_address'} = shift()
576 0 0 unless $this->{'remote_port_num'} = shift()
603 0 0 if $this->{'LOGFILE'}
628 0 0 unless $this->{'verbose'}
629 0 0 unless $this->{'name'}
630 0 0 if ($_[0] =~ /^[<>]{3}$/) { }
661 0 0 if ($callback)
663 0 0 if defined $new_msg
673 0 0 if ($this->{'verbose'} > 1) { }
687 0 0 if $this->{'client_to_server_callback'} and $this->{'verbose'} > 1
690 0 0 unless $this->{'SERVER'}
691 0 0 unless print {$this->{'SERVER'};} $msg
718 0 0 if $this->{'server_to_client_callback'} and $this->{'verbose'} > 1
749 0 0 if (length $msg == 0)
805 0 0 if $this->{'SERVER'}
806 0 0 unless socket $this->{'SERVER'}, 2, 1, $protocol
807 0 0 unless $this->{'remote_ip_address'}
808 0 0 unless my $remote_ip_aton = inet_aton($this->{'remote_ip_address'})
809 0 0 unless my $remote_port_address = sockaddr_in($this->{'remote_port_num'}, $remote_ip_aton)
811 0 0 unless connect $this->{'SERVER'}, $remote_port_address
849 0 0 if $this->{'defrag_delay'}
854 0 0 if (length $msg == 0)
860 0 0 if ($this->{'SERVER'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($this->{'server_callback'}) { }
872 0 0 if $this->{'defrag_delay'}
875 0 0 unless (defined $msg)
885 0 0 unless my $this = shift()
886 0 0 unless my $child = shift()
888 0 0 if ($child == $this->{'children'}[$i])
889 0 0 if $this->{'verbose'} > 1
908 0 0 if ($this->{'LISTEN'})
909 0 0 unless fileno $this->{'LISTEN'}
913 0 0 if $each->{'CLIENT'}
914 0 0 if $each->{'SERVER'}
919 0 0 if ($this->{'timer_interval'}) { }
925 0 0 if ($this->{'LISTEN'} and vec $rout, fileno $this->{'LISTEN'}, 1)
927 0 0 if $child
931 0 0 if not $each->{'CLIENT'} and $each != $this
932 0 0 if ($each->{'CLIENT'} and vec $rout, fileno $each->{'CLIENT'}, 1)
934 0 0 unless ($each->{'CLIENT'})
936 0 0 if ($each == $this) { }
946 0 0 if ($each->{'SERVER'} and vec $rout, fileno $each->{'SERVER'}, 1)
948 0 0 unless ($each->{'SERVER'})
950 0 0 if ($each == $this) { }
960 0 0 if ($this->{'timer_callback'})
961 0 0 unless $this->{'timer_callback'}->()
1022 0 0 if (defined $mydate)
1049 0 0 if $this->{'LISTEN'}
1050 0 0 $this->{'parallel'} ? :
1052 0 0 unless socket $this->{'LISTEN'}, 2, 1, $protocol
1053 0 0 unless bind $this->{'LISTEN'}, sockaddr_in($this->{'local_port_num'}, "\000\000\000\000")
1054 0 0 unless CORE::listen $this->{'LISTEN'}, 1
1068 0 0 if $this->{'remote_ip_address'}
1076 0 0 if ($key =~ /^(LISTEN|children|connections|name|timer_interval|timer_callback)$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($key =~ /^(parallel|log_file|verbose|mydate|.*callback|(local|remote)_(port_num|ip_address))$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($key eq 'LOGFILE') { }
1088 0 0 unless $all_good
1096 0 0 unless $child->{'CLIENT'}
1099 0 0 unless ($this->{'parallel'})
1104 0 0 if (not defined $pid) { }
0 0 elsif (not $pid) { }
1110 0 0 if $child->{'verbose'} > 1
1111 0 0 unless $child->{'CLIENT'}
1116 0 0 if $child->{'verbose'} > 1
1135 0 0 if $this->{'CLIENT'}
1136 0 0 if $this->{'SERVER'}