Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 41 52 78.8

line true false branch
28 0 188 if (substr($_, 0, 5) eq '# at ')
34 2 186 if substr($_, 0, 9) eq 'DELIMITER'
39 0 2 unless $_ and substr($_, 0, 9) eq 'DELIMITER'
44 1 1 if ($start_position)
46 8 35 if (substr($_, 0, 5) eq '# at ')
49 1 7 if $pos >= $start_position
54 0 42 if substr($_, 0, 9) eq 'DELIMITER'
57 0 1 if ($pos < $start_position) { }
0 1 elsif ($pos > $start_position) { }
72 11 44 if (substr($_, 0, 5) eq '# at ')
79 2 42 if substr($_, 0, 9) eq 'DELIMITER'
83 7 35 if (substr($_, 0, 5) eq 'BEGIN')
89 7 125 if substr($_, 0, 6) eq 'COMMIT'
93 25 100 if (substr($_, 0, 2) eq '#1' and /^#\d.*end_log_pos (\d+)/)
100 32 68 unless substr($_, 0, 4) eq '### '
122 6 62 if ($old_row and substr($_, 4, 5) eq 'WHERE') { }
12 50 elsif ($new_row and substr($_, 4, 3) eq 'SET') { }
8 42 elsif (/^### INSERT INTO (\S+)/) { }
2 40 elsif (/^### DELETE FROM (\S+)/) { }
4 36 elsif (/^### UPDATE (\S+)/) { }
36 0 elsif ($row and /@(\d+)=(.+)/) { }
131 8 0 if (not @interesting_tables or exists $interesting_tables{$1}) { }
143 2 0 if (not @interesting_tables or exists $interesting_tables{$1}) { }
155 4 0 if (not @interesting_tables or exists $interesting_tables{$1}) { }
171 0 7 unless $_ and substr($_, 0, 6) eq 'COMMIT'
184 0 2 unless $_ and substr($_, 0, 9) eq 'DELIMITER'