Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 69 84 82.1

line true false branch
54 1 1946 unless $chord
61 0 1946 if $self->verbose
66 42 1904 if ($self->scale_note =~ /##/ and $self->scale_name ne 'major' and $self->scale_name ne 'ionian') { }
85 0 1946 if $self->verbose
117 5 1941 if $note =~ /bb$/
123 56 1890 if ($position < 0 and $note eq 'Cb' || $note eq 'Fb') { }
62 1828 elsif ($note eq 'E#') { }
124 18 38 if $note eq 'Cb'
126 38 18 if $note eq 'Fb'
135 208 1738 if ($position < 0 and $note =~ /[#b]+$/)
139 93 115 $accidental =~ /^#/ ? :
146 352 1594 if ($position < 0)
151 0 1946 if $self->verbose
157 268 1678 $decorator =~ /[-mo\303\270]/ ? :
158 0 1946 if $self->verbose
161 719 1227 if ($self->chords)
162 265 454 $minor && !($decorator =~ /maj/i) ? :
166 352 1594 if $accidental
167 0 1946 if $self->verbose
171 0 1946 if $self->verbose
174 55 1891 if ($decorator =~ /maj/i or $decorator =~ /min/i) { }
1 1890 elsif ($decorator =~ /\342\226\263/) { }
1 1889 elsif ($decorator =~ /\303\270/) { }
187 0 1946 if $self->verbose
190 207 1739 if ($decorator =~ /($note_re)/)
194 0 207 if $self->verbose
196 119 88 if ($position >= 0) { }
201 0 88 if $self->verbose
209 0 207 if $self->verbose
218 0 1946 if $self->verbose
229 126 1820 if ($self->scale_name eq 'dorian') { }
126 1694 elsif ($self->scale_name eq 'phrygian') { }
126 1568 elsif ($self->scale_name eq 'lydian') { }
126 1442 elsif ($self->scale_name eq 'mixolydian') { }
128 1314 elsif ($self->scale_name eq 'minor' or $self->scale_name eq 'aeolian') { }
126 1188 elsif ($self->scale_name eq 'locrian') { }
264 0 0 /^[A-Z]+$/ ? :
0 0 /^$diminished{$self->scale_name}$/ ? :
284 265 175 if (length $note == 1) { }
292 149 116 $accidental eq '#' ? :
305 47 128 if exists $previous_enharmonics{$note} and &any(sub { $_ =~ /[CFG]##/; } , @$notes)
313 47 128 $accidental eq '##' ? :