Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 18 20 90.0

line true false branch
43 1 13 if (caller 2 ne 'MouseX::Types::Enum')
50 0 19 unless (caller() eq $child and not ref $child)
60 12 172 if (exists $reserved_subs{$sub_name} and not exists $dup_allow_subs{$sub_name})
72 6 15 if exists $ignored_subs{$sub_name}
74 1 14 if scalar(@args) % 2
75 0 14 unless $id
78 1 13 if (exists $child->_enums->{$id})
89 1 166 if ($class and $class ne $child)
111 1 4 if ref $class
117 1 3 if ref $class