Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 64 0.0

line true false branch
142 0 0 if (exists $CACHED_SPECS{$cache_key}) { }
144 0 0 unless ref $CACHED_SPECS{$cache_key} eq 'HASH'
151 0 0 delete $spec{'MX_PARAMS_VALIDATE_NO_CACHE'} ? :
154 0 0 if $should_cache
158 0 0 if blessed($$args[0])
163 0 0 @$args == 1 && ref $$args[0] && reftype($$args[0]) eq 'HASH' ? :
165 0 0 if $spec{$_}{'coerce'}
175 0 0 defined $instance ? :
218 0 0 if (exists $CACHED_SPECS{$cache_key}) { }
220 0 0 unless ref $CACHED_SPECS{$cache_key} eq 'ARRAY'
228 0 0 delete $spec{'MX_PARAMS_VALIDATE_NO_CACHE'} ? :
231 0 0 if $should_cache
235 0 0 if blessed($$args[0])
240 0 0 @$args == 1 && ref $$args[0] && reftype($$args[0]) eq 'HASH' ? :
242 0 0 if $spec{$_}{'coerce'}
253 0 0 defined $instance ? :
305 0 0 if (exists $CACHED_SPECS{$cache_key}) { }
307 0 0 unless ref $CACHED_SPECS{$cache_key} eq 'ARRAY'
314 0 0 exists $extra{'MX_PARAMS_VALIDATE_NO_CACHE'} ? :
316 0 0 if $should_cache
320 0 0 if $pv_spec[$_]
337 0 0 if (exists $$spec{'MX_PARAMS_VALIDATE_CACHE_KEY'}) { }
352 0 0 if exists $$spec{'optional'}
354 0 0 if exists $$spec{'default'}
356 0 0 if exists $$spec{'coerce'}
358 0 0 if exists $$spec{'depends'}
362 0 0 if (defined $$spec{'isa'}) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $$spec{'does'}) { }
375 0 0 if exists $$spec{'callbacks'}
378 0 0 if ($constraint)
385 0 0 unless $pv_spec{'constraint'} and $pv_spec{'constraint'}->has_coercion
395 0 0 if defined $maybe_tc and blessed $maybe_tc and $maybe_tc->isa('Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint')