Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 43 58 74.1

line true false branch
59 283 1 if ($xs)
72 0 0 if $@ and $ENV{'MOUSE_XS'}
75 1 283 unless ($xs)
86 284 0 if ($] >= 5.01) { }
102 0 0 if exists $stored{$p}
122 0 0 unless (defined $type)
123 0 0 exists $Class::C3::MRO{$classname} ? :
125 0 0 if ($type eq 'c3') { }
192 1 177 unless defined $role_name
201 49 5 if (&Scalar::Util::blessed($thing) || is_class_loaded($thing) and $thing->can('does'))
215 28 12 $options{'trait'} ? :
220 21 10 $options{'trait'} ? :
228 9 22 $loaded_class->can('register_implementation') ? :
245 0 31 unless my(@classes) = @_
252 21 31 if ($e) { }
274 5 1345 unless (is_valid_class_name($class))
275 4 1 defined $class ? :
279 1298 47 if is_class_loaded($class)
295 4 1289 if $e
302 7 213 &Scalar::Util::blessed($_[0]) ? :
313 4 281 if (ref $role) { }
322 35 250 if ($i + 1 < $max and ref $_[$i + 1] eq 'HASH') { }
327 1 284 unless is_a_metarole($role)
331 167 52 if (scalar @roles == 1) { }
333 21 146 defined $params ? :
343 9 10 if @_ == 1
347 8 2 if @items == 2
382 0 979 if (exists $args{'longmess'} and not $args{'longmess'}) { }
396 0 0 defined $maxdepth ? :