Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 46 54 85.1

line true false branch
24 21 100 @params == 1 ? :
27 13 108 if ($class->meta->does_role('MooseX::ConfigFromFile'))
40 7 6 unless (defined $configfile)
42 7 0 if defined $init_arg
45 7 6 if (not defined $configfile) { }
50 7 0 if not defined $configfile and $cfmeta->has_default
55 6 1 if ref $configfile eq 'CODE'
56 4 3 if (defined $configfile)
61 0 0 unless /Specified configfile '\Q$configfile\E' does not exist/
65 4 3 if defined $configfile and defined $init_arg
73 0 121 unless ref $constructor_params eq 'HASH'
76 10 111 $config_from_file ? :
83 9 102 $config_from_file ? :
86 10 78 if ($processed{'usage'} and $params->{'help_flag'})
108 100 0 unless $class->meta->find_attribute_by_name('argv')
115 77 23 $pa->usage ? :
124 97 24 unless $params{'params'}{'argv'}
141 0 111 if @warnings
153 88 23 defined $usage ? :
211 314 343 unless $_->does('MooseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute::Trait')
228 343 260 if ($attr->does('MooseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute::Trait'))
229 238 105 if $attr->has_cmd_flag
230 235 108 if $attr->has_cmd_aliases
247 13 590 if ($attr->name eq 'configfile') { }
491 99 elsif ($attr->has_type_constraint) { }
252 491 0 if ('MooseX::Getopt::OptionTypeMap'->has_option_type($type))
272 108 495 if ($attr->has_documentation)