Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 50 63 79.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
65 3 0 1 not ref $self and ref $package
149 12 19 0 not ref $$attributes{$key} and ref $self->meta->get_attribute($key) ne $ATTRIBUTE_METACLASS_TO_SKIP || $$arg_refs{'include_no_getopt'}
161 0 0 10 defined $$attributes{$key}{$h_key} and not ref $$attributes{$key}{$h_key}
174 6 6 18 defined $value and not ref $value
285 0 0 274 $init_arg and not exists $$arg_refs{$init_arg}
0 174 100 $init_arg and not exists $$arg_refs{$init_arg} and defined $self->$reader
286 91 1 8 $attr->type_constraint eq 'Bool' and $command_options
92 8 0 $attr->type_constraint eq 'Bool' and $command_options and not $self->$reader
287 91 1 8 $attr->type_constraint eq 'Bool' && $command_options
385 3 10 33 $value ne '' and not $hash
13 23 10 $value ne '' and not $hash and $$arg_refs{'equal'}
391 3 29 14 $value ne '' and $$arg_refs{'quotes'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
63 1 3 $arg_refs ||= {}
134 8 3 $arg_refs ||= {}
245 1 0 $arg_refs ||= {}
261 15 3 $arg_refs ||= {}
345 4 8 $$arg_refs{'excluded_attributes'} || []
347 3 9 $$arg_refs{'included_argv_attributes'} || []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
149 18 0 1 ref $self->meta->get_attribute($key) ne $ATTRIBUTE_METACLASS_TO_SKIP || $$arg_refs{'include_no_getopt'}
268 204 72 0 $attr->reader || $attr->accessor
349 12 0 0 $excluded_attributes or $included_argv_attributes
353 1 1 10 not ref $excluded_attributes or ref $excluded_attributes ne 'ARRAY'
357 1 1 8 not ref $included_argv_attributes or ref $included_argv_attributes ne 'ARRAY'