Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 38 84.2

line true false branch
12 15 0 if (eval { do { require Sub::Util } } and "Sub::Util"->VERSION >= "1.4")
88 69 0 if $set_subname
109 0 4 unless ref $sub eq "CODE"
126 50 0 if ($type and $self->attribute_types->{$type})
140 5 45 if ($args{'lazy'})
144 3 2 if (ref $lazy eq 'CODE') { }
159 1 49 if (&blessed($args{'coerce'}))
171 1 6 if ($args{'required'} and exists $args{'default'} || $args{'builder'})
189 311 33 unless defined $args{$method_type}
190 0 33 if ref $args{$method_type}
191 1 32 unless grep {$_ eq $args{$method_type};} 1, "-public", "-hidden"
205 14 17 $is_hidden ? :
210 2 47 if ($args{'trigger'} and not ref $args{'trigger'})
225 2 145 if ($literal =~ /\A - (.+) \z/x)
243 49 1 unless $standard
252 4 45 if ($attribute_type eq "extended")
253 2 2 if (ref $name eq 'ARRAY') { }
272 0 6 if exists $hash_ref->{$key}
284 1 30 if ref $name