Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 18 20 90.0

line true false branch
63 14 117 if exists $$opt{"if_exists"} and not $self->${\$$opt{"predicate"};}
67 5 112 if exists $$opt{"if_defined"} and not defined $self->${\$attr;}
71 7 105 exists $$opt{'alt_name'} ? :
76 98 14 if (defined $value)
78 21 77 if (exists $$opt{'bool'}) { }
21 56 elsif (exists $$opt{'num'}) { }
21 35 elsif (exists $$opt{'str'}) { }
79 21 0 $value ? :
91 3 12 if (defined(my $mth = $self->can('_modify_jsonr') // $self->can('modify_jsonr'))) { }
0 12 elsif (defined($mth = $self->can('modify_json'))) { }