Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 25 28 89.2

line true false branch
208 2 0 if @values == 1
215 6 23 unless (do { no strict 'refs'; defined &{"${class}::has";} })
218 0 6 unless $ok
224 26 3 unless ($class->can($private_reader))
237 0 7 unless @_
238 1 6 @_ > 1 ? :
248 8 21 if $type eq 'wo'
249 8 21 if $type eq 'ro'
253 10 19 if ($reader and $writer and $reader eq $writer) { }
258 4 4 unless @_
261 8 2 unless $stash->has_symbol('&' . $reader)
267 10 9 if $reader and not $stash->has_symbol('&' . $reader)
272 10 9 if $writer and not $stash->has_symbol('&' . $writer)
277 3 1 unless @_ and $type ne 'wo'