Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 53 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
252 0 0 0 $cluster_time and exists $cluster_time->{'clusterTime'}
0 0 0 $cluster_time and exists $cluster_time->{'clusterTime'} and ref $cluster_time->{'clusterTime'} eq 'BSON::Timestamp'
440 0 0 0 defined $err_code_name and grep {$_ eq $err_code_name;} 'CannotSatisfyWriteConcern', 'UnsatisfiableWriteConcern', 'UnknownReplWriteConcern', 'NoSuchTransaction'
0 0 0 defined $err_code and grep {$_ == $err_code;} 100, 79, 251
525 0 0 0 $err->$MongoDB::ClientSession::_isa('MongoDB::Error') and $err->_is_transient_transaction_error
528 0 0 0 $err->$MongoDB::ClientSession::_isa('MongoDB::Error') and $err->_is_unknown_commit_error
542 0 0 0 $self->_in_transaction_state('committed') and $labels{'UnknownTransactionCommitResult'}
641 0 0 0 $err->can('result') and $err->result->can('output')
666 0 0 0 $err->$MongoDB::ClientSession::_isa('MongoDB::Error') and $err->has_error_label('TransientTransactionError')
0 0 0 $err->$MongoDB::ClientSession::_isa('MongoDB::Error') and $err->has_error_label('TransientTransactionError') and $self->_within_time_limit($start_time)
694 0 0 0 $err->has_error_label('UnknownTransactionCommitResult') and not $self->_is_commit_timeout_error($err)

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
342 0 0 $opts ||= {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
287 0 0 0 not defined $self->operation_time or $operation_time > $self->operation_time
433 0 0 0 $err_code_name ||= $err->result->output->{'writeConcernError'} ? $err->result->output->{'writeConcernError'}{'codeName'} : ''
436 0 0 0 $err_code ||= $err->result->output->{'writeConcernError'} ? $err->result->output->{'writeConcernError'}{'code'} : 0
440 0 0 0 defined $err_code_name and grep {$_ eq $err_code_name;} 'CannotSatisfyWriteConcern', 'UnsatisfiableWriteConcern', 'UnknownReplWriteConcern', 'NoSuchTransaction' or defined $err_code and grep {$_ == $err_code;} 100, 79, 251
542 0 0 0 $labels{'TransientTransactionError'} or $self->_in_transaction_state('committed') and $labels{'UnknownTransactionCommitResult'}
649 0 0 0 $err_code == 50 or $err_codename eq 'MaxTimeMSExpired'