Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 42 64.2

line true false branch
29 6 0 unless (defined $options and ref $options eq 'HASH')
32 0 6 if (exists $$options{'denominations'})
44 5 0 if (defined $option)
45 5 0 if (_check_denom($option))
66 0 12 unless (defined $price and defined $tendered)
69 0 12 if ($price < 1 or $tendered < 1)
74 0 12 if ($tendered < $price)
84 6 6 if (wantarray) { }
96 0 5 unless (ref $test eq 'ARRAY')
100 0 59 unless (defined $$test[$i])
103 0 59 unless ($$test[$i]->isa('Money::ChangeMaker::Denomination'))
124 5 0 if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'Money::ChangeMaker')
132 0 0 if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'Money::ChangeMaker')
141 1 6 if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'Money::ChangeMaker')
146 0 64 unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($denom, 'Money::ChangeMaker::Denomination'))
149 25 39 if (defined $thisDenom and defined $denom and $denom->name eq $thisDenom->name) { }
156 32 7 if (defined $thisDenom)
157 25 7 if ($ret)
161 9 23 if ($num > 1) { }
172 7 0 if ($ret)
176 4 3 if ($num > 1) { }