Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 42 56 75.0

line true false branch
35 1 7 if ($dir = $args{'cache_dir'})
37 1 0 if ($app and substr($dir, 0, 1) ne '/')
45 8 0 $app ? :
55 0 8 unless $args{'template_options'}
58 0 8 unless (exists $config{'COMPILE_DIR'})
68 8 0 unless $config{'LOAD_TEMPLATES'}
70 0 8 unless $self->tt('Template'->new(\%config))
84 1 34 if defined $inline
85 0 35 unless $t
90 34 1 unless ($c->stash->{'layout'})
100 1 34 if (defined $inline) { }
106 26 8 if (not defined $ret[1]) { }
0 8 elsif (not defined $ret[0]) { }
113 6 2 if $! == 2 and not ref $ret[0]
120 3 24 unless $ok
142 0 8 if $method =~ /^[A-Z]+?$/
143 0 8 if $method =~ /^_/
144 0 8 if $method =~ /(?:\:*?)DESTROY$/
148 1 7 unless $self->ctx->app->renderer->helpers->{$method}
176 8 34 @_ > 1 ? :
177 35 0 @_ > 1 ? :
178 35 0 @_ > 1 ? :
182 32 72 unless $self->SUPER::_template_modified($template) or $template =~ m[^templates(?:/|\\)]
195 7 34 if (-r $path)
203 26 8 if (defined $options) { }
208 6 5 if $data
212 8 26 unless ($data)
216 34 0 wantarray ? :