Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 46 52 88.4

line true false branch
27 0 3 if (my $config_param = $mojo->config('TagHelpers-Pagination'))
32 5 22 if defined $param->{$_}
39 1 5 if (defined $param->{$_})
75 3 36 unless $_[1]
78 0 36 !$_[1] ? :
86 11 25 if ($_[3] and ref $_[3] eq 'HASH')
89 44 55 if defined $overwrite->{$_}
93 10 12 if (defined $overwrite->{$_})
107 1 35 if (&blessed($t) and &blessed($t) eq 'Mojo::URL')
112 0 36 unless my $sub = sublink_gen($c, $t, $ps, $pe, $ph)
119 15 21 if ($_[1] >= 7 or $_[1] == -1 and $_[0] > 4) { }
126 3 12 if ($_[0] == 1) { }
1 11 elsif ($_[0] == 0) { }
149 0 15 if ($_[0] == 2) { }
10 5 elsif ($_[0] > 3) { }
162 6 9 if ($_[0] >= 3 and $_[0] <= $_[1] - 2)
170 10 5 if ($_[0] < $_[1] - 2)
175 1 14 if ($_[0] == $_[1] - 1) { }
0 14 elsif ($_[0] == $_[1]) { }
4 10 elsif ($_[1] == -1) { }
208 8 13 if ($_[0] > 1) { }
216 33 13 if ($_[0] != $counter) { }
229 5 16 if $_[1] == -1
232 17 4 if ($_[0] != $_[1]) { }
256 19 17 if ($url and length $url > 0) { }
281 0 36 if $@