Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 6 52 11.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
52 0 0 1 require Mojolicious::Plugin::StaticShare::Templates and push @{$app->renderer->classes;}, grep(($_ eq $push_class), @{$app->renderer->classes;}) ? () : $push_class
0 1 0 require Mojolicious::Plugin::StaticShare::Templates and push @{$app->renderer->classes;}, grep(($_ eq $push_class), @{$app->renderer->classes;}) ? () : $push_class and push @{$app->static->paths;}, grep(($_ eq $push_path), @{$app->static->paths;}) ? () : $push_path
1 0 0 ($self->render_dir // '') eq 0 and ($self->render_markdown // '') eq 0
84 1 0 0 $self->app->renderer->helpers->{'pod_to_html'} and ($self->render_pod // '') eq 0
165 0 0 0 $c->param('admin') and $c->param('admin') eq $pass
167 0 0 0 $sess->{'StaticShare'} && $sess->{'StaticShare'}{'admin'}
196 0 0 0 $route->name eq $self->routes_names->[2] || $route->name eq $self->routes_names->[3] and $host
0 0 0 $route->name eq $self->routes_names->[2] || $route->name eq $self->routes_names->[3] and $host and $tx->req->headers->host =~ /$host/u
220 0 0 0 $req->is_finished and not $self->{'handled'}++
237 0 0 0 $pkg->can('new') and $pkg->can('parse')

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
52 0 1 $self->render_dir // ''
0 0 $self->render_markdown // ''
84 0 0 $self->render_pod // ''
189 0 0 $match->endpoint && $match->endpoint->name || 'none'
193 0 0 $match->endpoint || (return)

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
77 1 0 0 not $self->config->{'root_dir'} or -e $self->config->{'root_dir'}
152 0 0 0 $loc{$_} || $loc{lc $_} || $loc{lc "$_-$_"}
155 0 0 0 $loc->{$str} || $$loc{lc $str} || $str
196 0 0 0 $route->name eq $self->routes_names->[2] || $route->name eq $self->routes_names->[3]