Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 8 32 25.0

line true false branch
17 1 2 unless defined $user
21 1 1 unless (defined getpwnam $user)
22 0 1 if $!
26 1 0 unless (defined getgrnam $group)
27 0 1 if $!
38 0 2 if 'Mojo::IOLoop'->is_running
48 0 0 unless (defined($uid = getpwnam $user))
49 0 0 if $!
53 0 0 unless (defined($gid = getgrnam $group))
54 0 0 if $!
59 0 0 if geteuid() == $uid and getegid() == $gid
66 0 0 if ($id != $gid and &any(sub { $_ eq $user; } , split(' ', $members, 0)))
72 0 0 if $!
75 0 0 unless (defined $rc and $rc == 0)
76 0 0 unless (setgroups(@gids))
78 0 0 unless (defined $rc and $rc == 0)