Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 44 0.0

line true false branch
18 0 0 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
22 0 0 $cfg->{'web_proxy_mode'} ? :
26 0 0 $AuthBase64 ? :
29 0 0 if $cCache->{'status'} eq "authenticated"
34 0 0 if ($AuthBase64 and $status)
38 0 0 unless ($ldap)
47 0 0 unless $ldap = "Net::LDAP::SPNEGO"->new($cfg->{'ad_server'}, "debug", ($cfg->{'ldap_debug'} // $ENV{'SPNEGO_LDAP_DEBUG'}) // 0, "onerror", sub { my $msg = shift(); $c->log->error("LDAP ERROR: " . $msg->error); return $msg; } , "timeout", $timeout, "verify", $cfg->{'verify'} // "none")
49 0 0 unless ($ldap->uri =~ m[^ldaps://]u)
51 0 0 if ($cfg->{'verify'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($cfg->{'start_tls'}) { }
57 0 0 if ($msg and $msg->is_error)
68 0 0 if (/^Type1/u)
71 0 0 if ($mesg->{'ntlm_type2_base64'})
72 0 0 $cfg->{'web_proxy_mode'} ? :
73 0 0 $cfg->{'web_proxy_mode'} ? :
81 0 0 if (/^Type3/u)
84 0 0 if (my $user = $mesg->{'ldap_user_entry'})
85 0 0 if (my $cb = $cfg->{'auth_success_cb'})
86 0 0 if (not $cb or &$cb($c, $user, $ldap))
93 0 0 if $cCache->{'status'} eq "authenticated"
97 0 0 $cfg->{'web_proxy_mode'} ? :
98 0 0 $cfg->{'web_proxy_mode'} ? :