Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 22 95.4

line true false branch
41 15 2 if &blessed($_[0]) and $_[0]->isa("Mojolicious::Controller")
53 5 12 if ($param->{'ok'} or $param->{'cancel'}) { }
55 4 1 if $c
58 1 4 if ($param->{'ok_label'} or $param->{'cancel_label'})
70 3 2 if ($param->{'ok'} and $param->{'cancel'}) { }
1 1 elsif ($param->{'ok'}) { }
82 4 1 if $c
108 1 8 unless $notify_array->size
113 7 1 unless ($rule->{'no_include'})
116 7 0 unless ($rule->{'no_css'})
134 6 9 if (ref $_->[1] and ref $_->[1] eq 'HASH') { }