Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 36 42 85.7

line true false branch
18 0 5 unless defined $item
22 5 0 if (ref $item eq 'ARRAY')
24 2 3 unless $type
33 0 5 unless $text
46 2 5 unless $text and $n and $n > 0
50 1 4 unless @words > $n
54 4 0 if (@words > $n)
66 0 5 unless $html
72 4 1 if ref $names eq 'ARRAY'
75 3 2 if ref $names eq 'ARRAY'
78 1 4 unless (%tags)
87 10 34 if ($node->tag and not $tags{$node->tag})
92 21 13 if (%attr)
94 1 3 unless $attr{$name}
104 0 7 unless @_
110 8 2 @$vals == 1 ? :
120 6 4 if (ref $name ne 'Regexp')
126 3 4 unless $_ =~ /$name/
136 1 2 @_ == 1 && ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? :
137 1 2 @data == 1 && !defined($data[0]) ? :
140 1 6 if ($defaults->{'collection'}{'patch'})