Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 11 22 50.0

line true false branch
21 0 2 if ($conf->{'geo_ip_citydb'})
30 1 1 !$ts_name ? :
61 5 0 unless $geoip
62 0 0 unless $c->tx->remote_address
65 0 0 unless $rec
74 0 5 unless (eval { do { return 1 unless $geoip; return 1 unless $c->tx->remote_address; my $rec = $geoip->record_by_addr($c->tx->remote_address); return 1 unless $rec; $lat = $rec->latitude; $long = $rec->longitude; $country_code = $rec->country_code; (%geo_ip_data) = ('location', "$lat, $long", 'country_code', $country_code); 1 } })
78 1 4 $ts_name ? :
87 3 1 if exists $c->stash->{$_}
90 4 1 if ($extra_keys_sub)
98 0 0 if (not $tx) { }
0 0 elsif ($tx->res and $tx->res->code and not $tx->res->code =~ /^20./) { }