Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 28 57.1

line true false branch
22 2 4 if $$conf{'tmpl_opts'}{'use_home_template'} or delete $tmpl_params{'use_home_template'}
32 0 6 if ($controller)
39 1 5 if ($$conf{'tmpl_opts'}{'use_extension'} or delete $tmpl_params{'use_extension'}) { }
42 1 0 if (defined $$options{'inline'}) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $$options{'template'}) { }
46 0 0 if (defined(my $path = $r->template_path($options))) { }
56 1 0 if exists $tmpl_params{'plugins'}
68 1 4 if (defined $$options{'inline'}) { }
4 0 elsif (defined $$options{'template'}) { }
72 3 1 if (defined(my $path = $r->template_path($options))) { }
82 0 5 unless $$conf{'tmpl_opts'}
84 5 0 unless delete $tmpl_params{'tmpl_opts'}
89 0 6 unless ($t)
93 13 0 if ref $tmpl_params{$_} eq 'ARRAY' and $tmpl_params{$_} > 0 and ref $tmpl_params{$_}[0] ne 'HASH'