Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 16 93.7

line true false branch
12 18 0 if (defined $config)
13 1 17 unless &reftype($config) eq 'HASH'
15 12 5 if (keys %$config)
17 2 10 if keys %$config
19 6 4 unless $min_size =~ /^\d+$/ and $min_size > 0
34 4 19 unless $accept_encoding =~ /gzip/i and $body_size >= $min_size and $res->code == 200 and not $res->headers->content_encoding
39 10 9 if (my $etag = $res->headers->etag)
40 5 5 if (length $etag > 2 and substr($etag, 0, 1) eq '"' and substr($etag, -1, 1) eq '"') { }