Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 60 77 77.9

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
40 0 4 1 &blessed($xml) and $xml->isa('Mojo::DOM')
0 0 4 &blessed($xml) and $xml->can('slurp')
65 16 5 4 &blessed($xml) and $xml->isa('Mojo::URL')
67 3 0 1 $cb and ref $cb eq 'CODE'
127 79 1 14 $k eq 'author' and $p->at('name')
157 180 1 19 $info{$old} and not $info{$new}
178 761 4 14 $p->tag =~ /\:/ and $k ne 'content\\:encoded'
765 2 12 $p->tag =~ /\:/ and $k ne 'content\\:encoded' and $k ne 'xhtml\\:body'
6 3 9 $p->tag =~ /\:/ and $k ne 'content\\:encoded' and $k ne 'xhtml\\:body' and $k ne 'dc\\:date'
5 4 5 $p->tag =~ /\:/ and $k ne 'content\\:encoded' and $k ne 'xhtml\\:body' and $k ne 'dc\\:date' and $k ne 'dc\\:creator'
184 751 1 22 $k eq 'author' and $p->at('name')
238 1034 140 126 $h{$old} and not $h{$new}
244 162 220 8 $h{$fill} and not $h{$required}
264 0 1 12 $tx->success and $tx->res->code == 200
310 121 0 8 $is_feed{$type} and $rel{'alternate'} || $rel{'service.feed'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
358 40 880 $subscriptions{$rss}{'categories'} ||= []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
124 20 74 306 $dom->at("channel > $k") || $dom->at("feed > $k")
126 77 15 2 $p->text || $p->content || $p->attr('href')
128 14 0 0 $p->at('name')->text || $p->at('name')->content
183 634 140 0 $p->text || $p->content
198 102 20 8 not $l->attr('rel') or $l->attr('rel') eq 'alternate'
217 42 51 0 $_[0]->text || $_[0]->attr('term')
300 10 0 0 $res->dom->find('head base')->map('attr', 'href')->join('') || $url
302 10 0 0 $res->dom->find('head > title')->map('text')->join('') || $url
310 8 0 0 $rel{'alternate'} || $rel{'service.feed'}
345 26 14 0 $node->{'title'} || $node->{'text'}