Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 31 34 91.1

line true false branch
54 1 6 if $args->{'dir_page'}
59 2 19 if -f $root->to_string
61 9 10 if (-f $path) { }
10 0 elsif (-d $path) { }
65 1 9 if ($index and my $index_path = locate_index($index, $path))
69 1 8 if ($c->req->url->path ne '/' and not $c->req->url->path->trailing_slash)
74 7 1 unless not $auto_index
85 1 0 ref $index eq 'ARRAY' ? :
88 1 0 if -e $path
96 9 3 if ref $handler eq 'CODE'
97 9 3 if $c->tx->res->code
107 6 1 $c->req->url->path eq '/' ? :
121 10 59 if ($is_dir)
126 10 59 $is_dir ? :
142 2 5 if ($json) { }
154 6 56 unless $_[0] =~ /\.([0-9a-zA-Z]+)$/
163 14 69 if $ent eq '.' or $ent eq '..'