Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 54 0.0

line true false branch
60 0 0 unless ($db)
61 0 0 if $debug
69 0 0 if ($db_type =~ /Mojo::Pg/)
75 0 0 unless $ssp->draw
85 0 0 if ($where)
93 0 0 if ($_->database and $_->searchable != 0 and $_->search->{'value'})
95 0 0 if ($_->search->{'regex'}) { }
106 0 0 if (@col_filters)
111 0 0 if ($ssp->search->{'value'})
116 0 0 if ($_->database and $_->searchable != 0)
118 0 0 if ($ssp->search->{'regex'}) { }
129 0 0 if (@global_filters)
136 0 0 if (@db_filters)
141 0 0 if (%{$ssp->db_order;})
160 0 0 if ($debug)
180 0 0 if (ref $column->formatter eq 'CODE')
195 0 0 if (@db_bind)
216 0 0 if $c->req->{'method'} eq 'GET'
217 0 0 if $c->req->{'method'} eq 'POST'
247 0 0 if $value eq 'true'
248 0 0 if $value eq 'false'
250 0 0 if $_ =~ /columns\[(\d+)\]\[(data|name|searchable|orderable)\]/
251 0 0 if $_ =~ /columns\[(\d+)\]\[search\]\[(regex|value|)\]/
252 0 0 if $_ =~ /order\[(\d+)\]\[(column|dir)\]/
253 0 0 if $_ =~ /search\[(value|regex)\]/
265 0 0 if (defined $dt_option->{'searchable'})
268 0 0 if (defined $dt_option->{'orderable'})