Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 25 28 89.2

line true false branch
68 57 0 if $dynamic
79 71 1056 if ($tx and my $sub = $tx->can("stash"))
95 8 1049 if defined $max
110 7 1027 if $stash->{'mojo.rendered'}
114 1027 0 unless $tx->res->code
123 955 72 unless $stash->{'mojo.static'}
127 63 832 unless $tx->res->code or $self->routes->dispatch($c) or $tx->res->code
137 60 975 unless $self->{'dispatch'}
145 33 1002 unless $c->stash->{'mojo.rendered'}
153 0 105 ref $_[0] ? :
184 9 19 @_ ? :
194 20 553 if &Scalar::Util::blessed($val) and $val->isa("Mojo::Promise")
198 48 82 ref $_[0] ? :
203 60 975 unless eval { do { &$next(); 1 } }