Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 34 94.1

line true false branch
17 9 148 unless $route = $self->endpoint
157 139 if ($current) { }
20 0 139 unless $route = $self->root->lookup($name)
28 31 6 $current ? :
37 223 if not exists $values{'format'} and $constraints->{'format'} and $constraints->{'format'} ne 1
40 15044 2591 unless my $captures = $r->pattern->match_partial(\$path, $detect)
47 173 2418 if $methods and not grep({$_ eq $options->{'method'};} @$methods)
50 141 2277 if (my $over = $r->requires)
53 0 143 unless my $condition = $$conditions{$over->[$i]}
54 106 37 unless &$condition($r, $c, $captures, $$over[$i + 1])
59 5 2307 if $r->is_websocket and not $options->{'websocket'}
63 72 2235 if ($partial)
70 925 1382 if ($endpoint and $empty or $r->inline)
72 699 226 if ($endpoint and $empty)
74 66 633 if ($format)
81 852 756 $r->parent ? :
83 802 16023 if $self->_match($child, $c, $options)