Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 5 26 19.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
37 0 1 0 $candidate->domain eq $cookie->domain and $candidate->path eq $cookie->path
1 0 0 $candidate->domain eq $cookie->domain and $candidate->path eq $cookie->path and $candidate->name eq $cookie->name
45 0 0 0 defined $cookie->max_age and $cookie->max_age == 0
0 0 0 defined $cookie->expires and $cookie->expires->epoch < time
89 1 0 0 ref $url && $url->isa('Mojo::URL')
97 0 0 1 $domain =~ s/^[\w\-]+\.(.*)/$1/x and $domain =~ /([\w\-]+\.[\w\-]+)$/x
108 0 1 0 defined $candidate->expires && $candidate->expires->epoch < time

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
120 0 0 $urlobj->port || '80'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
45 0 0 0 defined $cookie->max_age and $cookie->max_age == 0 or defined $cookie->expires and $cookie->expires->epoch < time