Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 24 0.0

line true false branch
17 0 0 if not my $expires = delete $session->{'expires'} and $expiration
18 0 0 if defined $expires and $expires <= time
23 0 0 unless $stash->{'mojo.active_session'} = keys %$session
24 0 0 if $session->{'new_flash'}
33 0 0 unless my $session = $stash->{'mojo.session'}
34 0 0 unless keys %$session or $stash->{'mojo.active_session'}
38 0 0 if $stash->{'mojo.static'}
39 0 0 unless keys %{$$session{'new_flash'};}
44 0 0 if $expiration or $default
48 0 0 if exists $session->{'flash'}
50 0 0 if (defined $session->{'expires'} and $session->{'expires'} <= time) { }
0 0 elsif ($regenerate) { }