Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 40 70.0

line true false branch
28 0 10 unless my $cb = delete $args{'cb'}
39 1 9 if ($$self{'is_running'}++)
43 0 9 if $DEBUG
54 1 8 if ($self->period and not $$self{'period_timer_id'})
64 1729 8874 unless (not $$self{'limit'} or $$self{'count_total'} < $$self{'limit'})
65 0 1729 if $DEBUG
87 1752 7122 if ($cond) { }
1730 5392 elsif (not $$self{'count_run'}) { }
128 0 0 unless $self->is_running
0 12 if ($DEBUG)
129 3 9 unless $self->is_running
132 1 1 if (not $$self{'count_run'} and $$self{'limit'} and $$self{'count_total'} >= $$self{'limit'})
136 0 1 if $DEBUG
146 0 10 if $DEBUG
149 10 0 if $self->can('SUPER::DESTROY')
157 0 13 if $DEBUG
160 13 0 if (my $iowatcher = $self->iowatcher)
161 0 13 if $DEBUG
162 9 4 if $$self{'cb_timer_id'}
163 1 12 if $$self{'period_timer_id'}