Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 34 40 85.0

line true false branch
45 173 186 if ($path eq '/') { }
0 186 elsif ($id) { }
53 173 186 if @path_pages > 0
87 186 0 if (@path_pages)
90 17 74 unless $proto_path =~ m[/$]
139 0 186 if (@proto_pages == 0 and $path =~ /\S/)
215 112 186 unless ($current_depth == 0)
217 0 112 unless $page->parent and $page->parent->id == $parent->id
228 224 74 if $current_depth == $final_depth or ++$args{'current_depth'} and $class->resolve_path(%args)
247 4 53 if scalar @pages == 1 and $pages[0]->depth == 0
249 2 51 unless scalar @pages
259 33 18 unless ($lft_sorted_pages[0]->name eq '/')
268 18 67 if ($_->name eq '/')
272 66 1 if ($_->depth == 1)
277 1 0 if (ref $parent) { }
332 9 0 $page->parent ? :
346 9 72 if $_ eq 'id'
347 9 63 if $_ eq 'content_version'
348 18 45 unless $page_version->can($_)
359 7 2 $parent->id == $original_ancestor{'id'} ? :