Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 54 0.0

line true false branch
18 0 0 if ($res->acknowledged) { }
48 0 0 unless $res->matched_count
66 0 0 unless $res->matched_count
82 0 0 if ($rc)
85 0 0 exists $opt->{'limit'} || exists $opt->{'page'} || exists $opt->{'skip'} ? :
99 0 0 if (exists $$item{$c->pk}) { }
127 0 0 if &looks_like_number($v)
128 0 0 if $v eq "[null]"
132 0 0 if (/^q\[(.*?)\]/u) { }
0 0 elsif (/^qre\[(.*?)\]/u) { }
0 0 elsif (/^sort\[(.*?)\]/u) { }
0 0 elsif ($_ eq 'limit') { }
0 0 elsif ($_ eq 'skip') { }
0 0 elsif ($_ eq 'rc') { }
151 0 0 if (defined $flt->{'page'} and defined $flt->{'limit'})
156 0 0 if (defined $flt->{'sort'} and defined $flt->{'order'})
157 0 0 $flt->{'order'} eq 'asc' ? :
172 0 0 if (ref $v ne 'ARRAY') { }
173 0 0 if $k eq "_id"
174 0 0 if ($v =~ /^(true)|(false)$/u)
175 0 0 $v eq 'true' ? :
182 0 0 if ($value =~ /^(true)|(false)$/u)
183 0 0 $value eq 'true' ? :
185 0 0 if $k eq "_id"
195 0 0 unless $oid
204 0 0 if ref $id eq "HASH" and exists $id->{'$oid'}
212 0 0 if ($@)