Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 21 53 39.6

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
120 1 0 2 &blessed($stdin->[1]) and $stdin->[1]->isa("IO::Pty")
127 0 0 3 ($args->{'stdout'} // 1) && fileno $stdout->[1]
128 0 0 3 ($args->{'stderr'} // 1) && fileno($stderr->[1] || $stdout->[1])
164 10 0 23 &blessed($stdout->[0]) and $stdout->[0]->isa("IO::Pty")

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
15 1 21 $ENV{'MOJO_CHUNK_SIZE'} || 131072
71 23 15 $args->{'env'} ||= {%ENV}
184 0 0 shift() // 15

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
69 0 41 0 $args->{$_} //= $conduit->{$_}
70 2 36 0 $args->{'conduit'} ||= delete $args->{'type'}
130 3 0 0 open STDOUT, ">&" . $stdout_no or exit $!
131 3 0 0 open STDERR, ">&" . $stderr_no or exit $!
153 0 0 0 $errno // $!
154 0 0 0 $errno // $!
166 31 1 1 not $stderr->[0] or $args->{'stdout'}
191 0 0 0 $! == 11 or $! == 4
0 0 0 $! == 11 or $! == 4 or $! == 11
192 0 0 0 $! == 104 or $! == 32
201 0 33 32 $self->{'wait_eof'} or $self->{'wait_sigchld'}